An SQP augmented Lagrangian method for two classes of nonlinear
semidefinite programming problems arising in discrete-time feedback control (PJO) |
Volume 9
Number 3
pp. 511-534
An SQP augmented Lagrangian method for two classes of nonlinear
semidefinite programming problems arising in discrete-time feedback control |
E.M.E. Mostafa, H.G. Ismail and N.F. Al-Afandi |
Key words |
Mathematices Subject Classification |
discrete-time output feedback control, nonlinear
semi-definite programming, sequential quadratic programming, trust
region methods |
90C22, 90C30, 93D15,
49N10, 49N35, 65K05 |
Copyright© 2013 Yokohama Publishers |
For Editor |
For Authors |