Application of a facial reduction algorithm and an inexact primal-dual path-following method for doubly nonnegative relaxation for mixed binary nonconvex quadratic optimization problems (PJO) |
Volume 8
Number 4
pp. 699-724
Application of a facial reduction algorithm and an inexact primal-dual path-following method for doubly nonnegative relaxation for mixed binary nonconvex quadratic optimization problems |
Mirai Tanaka, Kazuhide Nakata and Hayato Waki |
Key words |
Mathematices Subject Classification |
doubly nonnegative relaxation, semidefinite optimization, completely positive optimization, interior-point method, Krylov subspace method, facial reduction algorithm |
65F10, 90C11, 90C22, 90C25, 90C51 |
Copyright© 2012 Yokohama Publishers |
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